
Cultural Significance of Kolanut

August 12, 2023

Although,  It is not clear when the first kola was cultivated historically, but records   indicate   kola nut has been   an   important commodity for a very long time in Africa. It was an important trade item during the trans Saharan trade

Comfort Yakubu

The kola nut is very significant in Africa for both religious and social functions.

Although,  It is not clear when the first kola was cultivated historically, but records   indicate   kola nut has been   an   important commodity for a very long time in Africa. it was an important trade item during the trans Saharan trade:Kola nut in most African societies signifies   unity.  It was mainly used as a form of currency in the past, for religious rituals and also sworn upon by religious people.

“Goro city” was a hit song in 1970  by Manu Dibango of  Niamey, the capital of Niger, showing  the significance of kola nut in that region. In some parts of   Cameroon, If one cuts down a kola nut tree he pays a fine to the community.The Igbos of the   South Eastern part of Nigeria   see the kola nut tree   as a tree of life. An Igbo man would welcome a visitor  with kola nut, saying  “Onye Wetara  Oji Wetara Ndu”, which  means ,He who brings the kola nut brings life.The kola nut is also used for rituals and divination called Obi divination. The specie with the four cotyledons is preferred in this instance.The Igbos believe the kola nut does not understand English hence the prayers and incantations are usually done in Igbo.The kolanut is also important in northern Nigeria, where it is chewed as stimulant as alcohol is not accepted in the north.In the Yoruba society of Nigeria, it symbolizes fertility and protection from evil. It is believed to be the favorite food of the Ifa divination deity.

In the 1800’s pharmacist John Pemberton took extracts of kola and cocoa mixed with sugar with some other ingredients and carbonated water to make the first cola soft drink.The drink soon became one of America’s most popular  drinks, after it was bought   by Asa Candler another Atlanta pharmacist and businessman based in Atlanta .Today, Coca-cola has become one of the most popular drinks all over the world.‘Aside from the religious and social uses of the kola nut in  Africa, It also  has health benefits.It is used as a remedy for cold ,weight loss, and also to fight infections; experts   however advice that it should be taken with caution,as studies show   excessive intake of caffeine results in unsteady hands, restlessness



Comfort Yakubu

A  journalist passionate about storytelling ,Comfort believes Africa is beautiful. She is a  Gender advocate and  a Women Empowerment champion.

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