
MOSSAD, CIA & M16: How did Hamas Beat Them All ?

October 25, 2023

Just last September, I was taken aback when a very insignificant news filtered out about a number of young Jewish girls of the Israeli Defense Force (IDF), serving as prison guards were found peddling sex to Palestinian Prisoners they were supposed to be guarding. At another prison, Israeli Prison Service officers were reported to be pimping young military girls to jailed terrorists, while yet at another, Palestinians in the Gilboa Prison raped their IDF women prison guards

What came to mind immediately was that Israel has let her hair down. When, therefore, news broke out that Hamas had smashed into Israeli strongholds and had all the time to wreck such a huge havoc, I said to myself, “I saw it coming!” As I write, more than 700 Israeli lay dead while more than 400 Palestinians have been caught in the cross fire of Israeli reprisal. To cap it all, 100 Israelis are under Hamas hostage. My prayers are with the families that lost their loved ones and with the hostages and their relatives.

Another wonder is how these could have beaten the world’s top intelligence agencies hollow. Mossad, MI6 and CIA: these three intelligence agencies belonging to Israel, UK and the US respectively work in lock-steps and exchange raw intelligence data real time. They all have significant presence in Palestine, yet Hamas beat them all.

The reason is not far-fetched. Israel has taken a lot for granted as the conduct of their IDF girls shows, most of all the Supreme Court imbroglio has divided Israeli. When a nation gets too embroiled in internal squabbles it loses the spirit to fend off foreign enemies. It was internal dissension made the Greeks slaves to the Persians and led to the collapse of the Roman Empire.

Biden’s go-woke-get-broke America is a shadow of the America we knew. Today, the United States has invested its energies in persecuting its own citizens under an inexplicable “Trump Derangement Syndrome.” The only terrorists they now know is MAGA Americans. And who are MAGA Americans but US citizens who vote Republican or who espouse opinions contrary to abortion, Critical Race Theory and LGBTQ? America is literarily in the retreated or at best, a glorified third world country.

Picture the bungled Afghan withdrawal, the Ukrainian for-ever-war (another Vietnam created by Biden), US border crises and elections bereft of integrity. Nigerian elections now compete with the US polls in lack of integrity. The greatest evidence of it all is the current Hamas insurgency just days after Biden sent billions to Iran – the Godfather of Hezbollah and Hamas.

In the UK, all energies are diverted at Brexit politics, the Irish and Scottish nationalism added to the hysteria of migrant workers. So much attention has been invested in warding off these “enemies at the gate.”

It was shocking to listen to one of the survivors lament how Israelis were under Hamas terror, in a place supposed to be an Israeli protected zone for as long as three hours before help could come. You know a strong nation by its reaction time in moments of emergency. A nation that allows three hours to pass, within its own soil, before coming to the rescue of its citizens is simply not one of them.

The Natanyahu’s speech at the last UNGA was a masterpiece in rhetoric. To think that it was all bluster is most disappointing. The prize of liberty, they always say, is eternal vigilance.

Cosmas Uzodinma

Convener, Coalition for Local Government Autonomy (CoLGA)

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