
Skincare Essentials for Harmattan

December 21, 2023
Creator: Yuri Arcurs | Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

The harmattan season is characterised  with cold, dust ,dry wind, heavy fog and haze  , it occurs from December to February in west Africa, Protecting your lips from cracking, preventing skin chapping  and minimizing dust exposure, especially for asthmatic individuals, are   very important during this season.

Embrace the Harmattan season with these practical steps to keep you   looking good and healthy

Stay hydrated : staying hydrated is crucial during the harmattan season , learn how to make water your best companion. eat a lot of fruits and vegetables to combat dehydration and stay nourished

Vitamin C : Arm yourself against common harmattan ailments with the power of vitamin C and keep catarrh and flu at bay.

Honey and Lemons:  Uncover the magic combination of honey and lemons in warm water for quick relief from dry and irritating throat conditions during harmattan.

Luscious Lips: lip care is crucial during this season use lip balm and moisturizers like olive oil and Shea butter to prevent your lips from drying.

Moisturize, Hydrate, and Glow:  use   moisturizers   and oils like olive oil and Shea butter among others   to shield your skin from harmattan’s dryness and pollution

Stay Fresh, Stay Clean:   regular bathing is   important   during the harmattan season,  to  wash away dust and dirt for a fresh and clean feeling.


Comfort Yakubu

A  journalist passionate about storytelling ,Comfort believes Africa is beautiful. She is a  Gender advocate and  a Women Empowerment champion.

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