
Sierra Leonean Firm Begs NIMASA To Help Collect Huge Debt from Nigerian Company”

September 24, 2024


In a growing maritime dispute, Prima Maritime Logistics Consultancy & Services Limited, led by Managing Director Alim Simon Max Ganga, has accused Bizonal Success Nigeria Limited and its representative, Alhaji Yinusa Abioye Bola, of significant misconduct during a recent towing operation in Angola. The controversy surrounds the detention of the crew and vessel, MV Aaliyah, under allegations of piracy.

According to Prima Maritime, the MV Aaliyah arrived in Luanda, Angola, on March 6, 2023, to tow another vessel, MT Ngol Dande 1. Shortly after their arrival, the crew was detained on March 21, 2023, amid accusations that they had come to steal government property. The situation, however, stemmed from fraudulent purchase documents allegedly provided by Bizonal Success’ representative, Bola, which led to the arrest and subsequent legal battle.

According to the lawyer to the sirealeonian firm,Vitalis Ahaotu, the   crew endured a harsh four-month detention, released only on July 24, 2023, after spending over 120 days in deplorable conditions.

The Crew members reported being fed poorly with food exposed to flies before being served.

They stated further that During their captivity, several crew members developed severe health issues, including ulcers and pneumonia. Despite these hardships, Alhaji Bola denied them leaving the crew in a state of financial and emotional distress.

The controversy  was said to have escalated when €11,000, designated for fuel and repairs, was allegedly collected by Bola but never returned. Prima Maritime now claims Bola was fully aware that MT Ngol Dande 1 had been stolen prior to the towage operation, a critical detail he failed to disclose.

Upon their release and return to Nigeria the crew  expected compensation for their ordeal. Prima Maritime reports that despite assurances from Bola that payments would be made, financial obligations totaling $876,462 remain unpaid.

Further allegations surfaced as Bola reportedly began scrapping MT Ngol Dande 1 without proper permits or payment of importation fees to Nigerian Customs, raising suspicions of potential complicity with officials from the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA).

Captain Kaluokoro Orji Cyril, a Nigerian seaman and Captain of the detained crew, spoke to us about the harrowing ordeal he and his crew endured during their four-month detention in Angola.

According to Captain Cyril, he and his crew arrived in Angola on March 5, 2023, and were arrested on March 21, 2023.

They spent the next four months living in dire conditions, only being released on July 24, 2023. “It was like living in hell,” Cyril recounted. “We were fed with food left outside for flies to perch on, We slept on the bare floor, and I developed ulcer and pneumonia.”

Cyril’s frustrations mounted as he revealed that they had not received their salaries for 17 months. Although their employer, Mr. Simon, paid ₦2 million to each crew member, he claimed that Alhaji needed to reimburse him before he could pay the remaining wages.

Captain Cyril also raised concerns about the scrapping of their vessel, the MT Ngol Dande 1, by Alhaji without the necessary permits, suggesting potential complicity with the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA).

“It’s unfortunate I’m from this country,” Cyril expressed. “Help us tell Alhaji to pay us our salaries” He also has to Compensate us, we can not go to jail for him.

Attempts to reach Alhaji Abioye were unsuccessful as calls to his lines went unanswered. Later, a woman returned one of the calls, informing us that it was a wrong number, as at the time of filling this report .

As the case unfolds, the maritime community in West Africa is closely monitoring developments, with increasing calls for accountability and justice for the affected crew members. The ongoing litigation may have far-reaching consequences for both companies and the regulatory agencies involved in the maritime industry.

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